Sunday, August 1, 2010

One Mountain In The Bag

In this post: Hiking, Peak Bagging,  Mount Baden-Powell, Angeles National Forest, San Gabriel Mountains
How To Climb A Mountain

A “Peak Bagger” in mountaineering circles, is a person who gets to the top of a lot of mountains, usually by the easiest and fastest route.  You can identify a serious, active peak bagger simply by asking, “How many peaks have you bagged?”  If they instantly come up with a precise number, you know they’re into it.

Today, A.R., Kathy, Janet and I are heading up to the San Gabriel Mountains, hoping to bag 9,399 foot Mount Baden-Powell, one of southern California's highest peaks.  Technically speaking, you only “bag” a particular peak the first time you reach the top of it, so Janet and I won’t be doing any bagging today, but A.R. and Kathy will… if they reach the top.

It's just a hike in the woods, right?

As real mountain peaks go - and there is an official list - this one should be relatively easy to bag, thanks to a high elevation trailhead and a well maintained trail with lots of switchbacks. Then again, mountain hiking is never easy and a lot of people would say, "Ain't ya'll gettin' kinda old fer that stuff."  Naturally, we disagree.

Since we'll be hiking in the Angeles National Forest, we stopped at the ranger station just outside of Wrightwood to pick up a National Forest Adventure Pass, which is a really exciting sounding name for a parking permit.  From the Ranger Station we drove to the trailhead at Vincent Gap and parked the car.  When we stepped out of the car we were 6,600 feet above sea level, 2/3 of the way to the summit!  So far, so good.  We shouldered our day packs and headed out for the high lonesome.

As the summit team gained altitude, the trees began to thin out.
On the ridge just below the summit, only the heartiest trees - and Kathy - can survive.
Guess how old these Limber pines are?
Did you guess 1,500 years old?
That's older than our whole team combined!
It's official.  9,399 foot Mt. Baden-Powell is in the bag.
A.R. & Kathy have bagged their first peak!
.  Congratulations!
Polar Fitness Stats
Group: 2 women, 2 men
Ages: 52 - 63
Activity: Hiking
Time: 6 hrs (apx.)
Distance: 8 miles (apx.)
Elevation: 6,600’ – 9,400’
Calories: 1,700
Average Heart Rate: 115 
Max Heart Rate: 150
Comments: This is a popular trail, for good reason.  The trial is relatively easy to follow and not too strenuous by mountain standards, the views and mountain scenery are great and you actually get to “bag” a peak if you make it to the top.
Challenge: 1) Make it to the top! 2) Bag1 peak a month.

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