In this post: Hiking, Peak Bagging, Mount Baden-Powell, Angeles National Forest, San Gabriel Mountains
How To Climb A Mountain
How To Climb A Mountain
A “Peak Bagger” in mountaineering circles, is a person who gets to the top of a lot of mountains, usually by the easiest and fastest route. You can identify a serious, active peak bagger simply by asking, “How many peaks have you bagged?” If they instantly come up with a precise number, you know they’re into it.
Today, A.R., Kathy, Janet and I are heading up to the San Gabriel Mountains, hoping to bag 9,399 foot Mount Baden-Powell, one of southern California's highest peaks. Technically speaking, you only “bag” a particular peak the first time you reach the top of it, so Janet and I won’t be doing any bagging today, but A.R. and Kathy will… if they reach the top.
It's just a hike in the woods, right? |